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5th week of pregnancy

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5th week of pregnancy

5th week of pregnancy: positive pregnancy test, first symptoms and embryo development. We tell you everything you need to know about the fifth week of your pregnancy.
  1. SSW - what happens in pregnancy week 5
  2. Just tested positive - and already in the 5th week of pregnancy
  3. How your baby develops in the 5th week of pregnancy
  4. How you feel in the 5th week of pregnancy
  5. 5th week of pregnancy - symptoms and complaints
  6. What can be seen on the ultrasound in the 5th week of pregnancy?
  7. What you should look out for in the 5th week of pregnancy

5th week of pregnancy - what happens in week 5

Congratulations dear mum-to-be. Like many women, you may have found out in this 5th week of pregnancy that a little miracle is growing in your belly. This week is initially characterised by the absence of your period. Now you are probably holding your positive pregnancy test in your hands and experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. Happiness, disbelief, fear, anticipation, uncertainty - all of these emotions are completely normal. Don't worry, you still have plenty of time to get used to the idea of becoming a mum. You are now at the beginning of an exciting journey and will be holding your baby in your arms in around 35 weeks.

With this pregnancy calendar, we want to accompany you during this exciting time. If you would like more information and answers to your questions, you are welcome to browse through our online courses. In the free workshop "Starting your pregnancy", midwife Katharina explains everything you need to know about the first trimester. Also helpful in this early phase of pregnancy are our workshops on Pregnancy care and to the Maternity passport.

Just tested positive - and already in the 5th week of pregnancy

You've only just found out about your pregnancy and you're already five weeks pregnant - how is that possible? Around 14 days have passed since ovulation and fertilisation at the start of the 5th week of pregnancy. This means that your baby is already two weeks old. In addition, the first two weeks of your cycle, starting with the first day of your last period, are also counted as part of your pregnancy. So in purely mathematical terms, you are already four weeks pregnant and now in the fifth week of your pregnancy. The first day of this week is also referred to as 4+0, the second day as 4+1, the third day as 4+2, and so on.

You're probably already starting to work out in your head when your baby will be born. As a pregnancy lasts 280 to 282 days on average, the due date can be calculated as follows: Date of the first day of the last menstruation - 3 months + 7 days + 1 year. This assumes that your cycle is 28 days long. If you have a longer cycle, simply add the days. If your cycle is shorter, simply subtract these days. On our website you will also find a very simple online calculator to determine the date of birth. However, bear in mind that very few babies are born exactly on the calculated date. Around 90 % of babies are born between two weeks before and two weeks after the estimated due date. The estimated due date is the middle of the birth period in which your baby will be born.

How your baby develops in the 5th week of pregnancy

Your baby is about the size of a sesame seed this week and still weighs less than 0.1 g. It has made itself at home in its amniotic cavity, which is anchored in the lining of the uterus and is around 1 cm in size. The embryo undergoes rapid development in week five of pregnancy, with the previously unspecialised cells becoming increasingly differentiated. The early phase of organ formation now begins. During these weeks, your baby is very sensitive to harmful substances from outside, which is why you should pay particular attention to your health now.

Small UFO with three cotyledons

At the beginning of this week, the embryo has the shape of a round germinal disc and is somewhat reminiscent of a flying saucer. Three cell layers, the cotyledons, have developed:

  • Ectoderm: The brain, nervous system, skin and hair develop from the outer cotyledon.
  • Entoderm: The mucous membranes, most internal organs and the digestive tract develop from this inner cotyledon.
  • Mesoderm: The cardiovascular system, skeleton, muscles, joints and reproductive organs develop from the middle cotyledon.

The neural groove is formed

A groove can now be recognised on the outer cotyledon of the embryo. The neural tube and later the spinal cord will develop from this neural groove. To support this development, you should definitely Folic acid as a dietary supplement. It is advisable to take 400 micrograms of this B vitamin daily in addition to your diet during the first trimester. It is best to start taking it even before you become pregnant.

Your baby's heart is being formed

In this fifth week of pregnancy, your baby's shape still doesn't look much like a human being. And yet its tiny heart is already forming. It still has an elongated shape and is known as a heart tube. It will start beating in the coming week. But it already has its own circulatory system, which pulsates at a much faster rhythm than your blood in your veins.

How you feel in the 5th week of pregnancy

Your period is actually due this week. But it doesn't come. For many women, this is the reason to take a pregnancy test. Commercially available urine tests provide a very reliable result from the day your period doesn't come. They measure the concentration of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This hCG is produced by the trophoblast cells of the implanted embryo and has an important function in maintaining the pregnancy. On average, hCG levels double every two days and reach their peak between the 8th and 12th week of pregnancy.

If you have already tested positive, you will no doubt have countless thoughts running through your head. Regardless of whether the pregnancy was planned or not, this is a very emotional moment. This confusion of feelings between happiness and fear will probably accompany you throughout your pregnancy. After all, you are now facing a whole new phase in your life. The many hormones in your body will do the rest. Don't worry, these sometimes very ambivalent feelings are actually important as they help you to gradually come to terms with this new life situation.

Many women are afraid of a miscarriage. Unfortunately, in the first few weeks of pregnancy, mums-to-be often have to let their little miracle go. So think about who you want to tell about your little secret. In any case, it is important to have trusted people with whom you can talk about your uncertainties and fears. Many couples only announce their pregnancy after the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, when the risk of something going wrong is very low. This is good for some pregnant women. For others, it is helpful to share the joy of pregnancy with others. In any case, you will be able to find out what is better for you if you listen to yourself. Just ask yourself whether you like having people around you who can share your joys and worries. Then you can also talk about your happiness in the 5th week of pregnancy.

5th week of pregnancy - symptoms and complaints

Have you already noticed the first signs of pregnancy? Maybe even before you tested positive? The steadily rising hCG level brings with it some changes in your body. While some women still feel the same as always, others already notice clear symptoms.
The most common signs in this early phase of pregnancy:- Tightness in the breasts

  • Pulling in the lower abdomen
  • Sensitivity to odours
  • Mild nausea
  • Tiredness
  • Stuffy nose
  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Constipation

Your uterus has not yet enlarged, or only very slightly, and cannot be felt through the abdominal wall. However, it has already become a little softer. The cervix is closed by a mucous plug so that no pathogens can reach your baby in the uterus. The vagina also becomes softer and more elastic due to the increase in pregnancy hormones.

Spotting in the 5th week of pregnancy

Some women experience light bleeding in week 5 of pregnancy. In many cases, this can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations. One reason may be a weakness of the corpus luteum and a resulting low progesterone level. This can be compensated for by taking progestogens. Light bleeding can also occur after sexual intercourse during pregnancy, as the tissue around the cervix is so heavily perfused. The causes are usually harmless. Nevertheless, if you experience bleeding in early pregnancy, you should consult your gynaecologist to make sure that everything is okay with your baby. If necessary, they will advise you to take extra care in the near future.

What can be seen on the ultrasound in the 5th week of pregnancy?

As soon as they test positive, many women want to go straight to the gynaecologist and have an ultrasound done. In principle, this is possible, but you won't be able to see too much on the ultrasound in the 5th week of pregnancy. The embryo is still too small. However, a small black spot can usually be recognised. This is the amniotic cavity, which is around 1 cm in size.

What you should look out for in the 5th week of pregnancy

You are pregnant! That's why alcohol and nicotine are absolutely taboo from now on. Do not expose your baby to any risk during this critical phase of pregnancy. The organs are now forming and harmful substances can cause serious damage to the embryo. You should also limit your coffee consumption to a maximum of one or two cups a day. You should also be careful with medication. If you have to take medication permanently, please contact your doctor to rule out any risk to your unborn child. However, never stop taking these medications yourself. This can be detrimental to your health and some medications need to be slowly phased out to prevent an abrupt drop in medication levels from jeopardising your pregnancy.

Make sure your diet is healthy and rich in vitamins Nutrition. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholemeal products, pulses and oils with polyunsaturated fatty acids are ideal. From now on, you should avoid raw or cold-smoked meat and fish, unpasteurised dairy products and foods containing raw eggs. These foods may contain salmonella, listeria or toxoplasmosis pathogens and therefore pose a risk to your baby.

Once you have a positive pregnancy test in your hand, you should make an appointment with your gynaecologist. As already mentioned, the ultrasound in week 5 does not yet show more than a small amniotic cavity. For this reason, many doctors recommend that you do not have your first pregnancy scan before the 7th week of pregnancy. From then on, you have a good chance of admiring your baby's heartbeat.

It's also never too early to start looking for a midwife. There is a shortage of midwives in many regions these days. So that you don't have to do without this valuable support during your pregnancy, it's best to contact midwives in your area now. They will provide you with helpful support even in this early stage of pregnancy. If you wish, you can also have your midwife carry out your pregnancy check-ups. A midwife can often take more time for you than a doctor. She will also give you helpful tips for all kinds of pregnancy complaints and is always ready to listen to your fears and worries.

Until you have found a local midwife, but also in addition to this, you can seek advice from to make use of our counselling service. Your questions will be answered and your worries will always be listened to by a helpful midwife.

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