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The second trimester of pregnancy

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The second trimester of pregnancy

Pregnant in the 2nd trimester: What's happening to you and your baby now? Find out how far it has already developed - and what you should pay particular attention to during this phase of pregnancy.

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1. your baby and you in the 2nd trimester
2 How far is my baby developing in the 2nd trimester?
3. what development do I go through in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?
4th pregnancy in the 2nd trimester: Which examinations take place now?
5 What special features should be considered in the 2nd trimester?
6 What should I avoid at all costs?
7. FAQs on the 2nd trimester
8. the weeks of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Your baby and you in the 2nd trimester

Another particularly exciting time in your pregnancy is beginning: the 2nd trimester (weeks 13 to 28). It is not uncommon for mums-to-be to find this phase somewhat more pleasant than the previous trimester. The reason: your initial symptoms - such as morning sickness - gradually subside. Your baby is also going through a special development - because now the organs are maturing and it is growing very quickly.

How far is my baby developing in the 2nd trimester?

In the second trimester, the following 10 important changes take place in the womb and there are special examinations that affect your baby:

  1. All of your baby's organs are now visible on the ultrasound image.
  2. The heartbeat and the function of the heart chambers can be thoroughly examined.
  3. During the second trimester, your baby's facial features change and facial expressions begin to develop.
  4. The foetus is practising swallowing. This also means that it is now drinking amniotic fluid.
  5. The lungs also continue to grow. In the second trimester of your pregnancy, you will notice that your baby is breathing more and more.
  6. The development of the sense of hearing is now clearly progressing and the foetus is already reacting to ambient noises.
  7. You are already aware of your baby's first movements; gymnastics begins with reflex movements as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. In the second trimester, these will turn into somersaults and lively turns, as your baby still has enough space in your womb at the moment. However, please note: If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel the movements until the 20th - 22nd week of pregnancy. By comparison, women who have already been pregnant sometimes notice movements a tick earlier.
  8. Your baby is gradually developing a sleep-wake rhythm, as it now has longer sleep phases.
  9. The foetus opens its eyes for the first time.
  10. Expectant parents can find out the sex of their offspring if they want to know: in the second trimester you can see whether it is a boy or a girl.

Practical help for you:
Emergency service midwife Katharina explains the most important things about the maternity pass online.

What development do I go through in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

It's not just your baby that is developing quickly. You will also notice changes in your body: The discomfort you felt in the 1st trimester of your pregnancy will gradually subside. You may have been particularly tired before, you may have felt nauseous and you may also have suffered from circulatory problems. Many pregnant women now feel fitter again. However, please note that your heart rate may increase slightly: Your body has changed - and is ready to transport more blood through the blood vessels to supply you and your baby.

You're probably feeling a little more relaxed now. Although your belly is growing, you are still in a good position to go on your last holiday with your partner before the birth, for example. The second trimester is also a good time to cross the last few things off your list. For example, do you need to get something for the nursery or do some paperwork at the authorities? You can find out everything you need for your baby in the Infant care course. It not only shows you how to care for your baby later on, but also which purchases are sensible and important.

Tip: Don't overtax yourself and your body, even if you feel energised now. Incidentally, this applies to the entire pregnancy - because stress is not good for your baby or for you. Stay active, but also allow yourself a large portion of relaxation. Only do what needs to be done urgently. If necessary, ask your partner, friends or family for support if you feel overwhelmed

Pregnancy in the 2nd trimester: Which examinations are carried out now?

In the second trimester, various examinations - regulated by the maternity guidelines - take place to assess the development of your child. Your health is also important: at each examination, your doctor will measure your blood pressure and check your weight, for example. During the check-ups that take place now, your doctor will look at the following in your baby:

  • Heart sounds
  • Seat of the placenta
  • Amount of amniotic fluid
  • Development of the organs (bladder, stomach, heart, kidneys)
  • Development of gender

What special features are there in the 2nd trimester?

Note that in the second trimester, your baby may be particularly noticeable through its activities in the abdomen. As it now perceives light and dark through your abdominal wall and reacts to noises, you may notice movement. What is actually happening in your belly: Your baby can make fists and move his arms and legs, "do gymnastics" and turn round. These changes are no cause for alarm, on the contrary: this is the time when parents can be happy about the first reactions of their little treasure.

The following also applies: Even if the typical pregnancy symptoms from the 1st trimester subside, you may notice one or two physical problems. Perhaps you are suffering from growing pains or constipation. If this is the case, speak to your emergency midwife if you notice any discomfort. If you are struggling with acute or particularly severe problems, don't hesitate - make an appointment with your doctor or at the clinic.

What should I avoid at all costs?

You may be able to push yourself a little harder now because you feel fitter again after the 1st trimester. However, the following still applies: avoid any kind of stress right at the beginning to protect yourself and your baby and to have a relaxed labour later on. This doesn't just apply to the 2nd trimester. You should also strengthen your back now, as it is not uncommon for back pain to occur during this phase. Here you will find access to an extensive Birth preparation courseto help you and your baby relax through the birth. For example, learn about breathing techniques and pain therapies, find answers to your questions - and look forward to the big day even more.

What is also important:

- Don't opt for clothes that are too tight and uncomfortable - because your belly is growing. Instead, opt for cosy clothes that give you room to breathe while your belly slowly takes on a spherical shape.

- Mental stress and mood swings are also part of the second trimester. But: Don't stress too much if things don't go as planned in the second trimester. Instead, take a step back and give yourself a break. This will do you, your exhausted soul and your baby some good. If the thought of giving birth worries you, you can find valuable knowledge here in the form of a well-founded workshop on your baby's performance at birth Crash course. Afterwards, you will not only have respect for your little miracle in your belly, but also the desire to prepare intensively for the birth.

- Last but not least: don't lift heavy loads and ask your partner for help, for example.

FAQs about the 2nd trimester

When is the second trimester?

→ The 2nd trimester of your pregnancy takes place between the 13th and 28th week of pregnancy.

How much weight will I gain in the second trimester?

→ Every body and organism is different. This means that every woman gains different amounts of weight during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. On average, you can expect to gain between 6 and 8 kilograms.

What can I do about flatulence?

→ It is not uncommon for bloating and constipation to occur during pregnancy, as the pregnancy-related progesterone causes your muscles to relax. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is no exception. The growing uterus puts pressure on your bowels - and this can lead to bloating, for example. What helps: Exercise, drink enough, herbal teas, eat slowly and relax.

What remedies will help me against calf cramps?

→ You may be experiencing a magnesium deficiency if your calves are cramping. This is not unusual, as your body needs more nutrients right now. What you can do: Make sure you eat a diet that covers your nutrient requirements well now. Vegetables and wholemeal products in particular are healthy sources of magnesium. Here you can find out more about nutritional supplements.

How can I avoid heartburn now?

→ Avoid spicy, fatty foods if you suffer from heartburn during your pregnancy. Acid-forming foods also include sugary desserts, fruit juices, carbonated drinks and citrus fruits. One to two tablespoons of dry oatmeal binds the excess acid in the stomach of most pregnant women. This simple household remedy is not only healthy, but also a completely natural miracle weapon against heartburn.


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