Courses made with love for you

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Midwifery knowledge in text form

Discover our extensive collection of e-books full of valuable midwifery knowledge. From breastfeeding to introducing complementary foods - get indispensable tips and advice for a successful start to parenthood. Let yourself be guided by expert knowledge and secure sound knowledge for the various phases with your baby.

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Professional help

As midwives, we are the experts for the time of becoming parents. We help mothers to give birth to their children well. We support the bond between you and your child.

Accessible from anywhere

We are always there for you, even if you haven't found a midwife locally. We can advise you directly and easily by email, phone, chat or video transmission.

Knowledge & exchange at any time

We will help you during your pregnancy, during the postnatal period and beyond with all your questions about parenthood and your baby. We know that many questions need answers at short notice. That's why we are always available for you online.

Anywhere and at any time

Expert advice

Benefit from the worldwide accessibility of our courses and expert advice from midwife Katharina. No matter where you are, our online midwifery support makes professional midwifery care easily and reliably accessible to you.

We look forward to getting to know you!

Exchange with midwives and parents

Growing together

You can expect comprehensive video courses on all topics relating to birth preparation, pregnancy, baby care, postnatal exercises and first aid for baby and child. You can always ask your questions in our closed groups. If you would like to discuss something 1:1, we can also support you with our online midwife counselling.


Available immediately

As midwives, we are the experts for the time of becoming parents. We help mothers to give birth to their children well. We support the bond between you and your child.

Exchange with midwives & parents

We are always there for you, even if you haven't found a midwife locally. We can advise you directly and easily by email, phone, chat or video transmission.


We will help you during your pregnancy, during the postnatal period and beyond with all your questions about parenthood and your baby. We know that many questions need answers at short notice. That's why we are always available for you online.

What customers say about Notdienst Hebamme

Quality standards

Here's an insight into what customers say about their experiences with our emergency midwifery service. This feedback reflects the quality, reliability and commitment that our team of midwives offer day and night to assist expectant and new parents at all times.

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