Emergency midwife
30.000 +

First aid/ sleep coach
20 + years
General Terms and Conditions
The statutory health insurance fund covers the costs of midwife counselling:
The services are provided on the basis of the contract for the provision of midwifery assistance in accordance with §134a SGB V. These are billed directly to the statutory health insurance fund by the midwife or her representative. Services that exceed the upper limit of the contract for the provision of midwifery assistance in accordance with §134a SGB V (exceeding the budget) will be invoiced privately. The midwife undertakes to inform the service recipient in good time if the upper limit is reached.
Private patients receive the invoice from the midwife. The fees are based on the midwives' private fee schedule for Bremen. The reimbursement of midwifery services by private insurers varies greatly in some cases. The midwife has no knowledge of the content of the various insurance tariffs. The service provider herself is responsible for clarifying the eligibility for reimbursement of services with her health insurance company. The midwife's invoice must be paid immediately. The recipient of services is obliged to pay on time, irrespective of the reimbursement of the health insurance or subsidy.
Own contribution for midwife counselling (costs for the insured person):
(1) If no valid membership with the specified health insurance fund can be established, the emergency service midwife will invoice the service recipient for the lost remuneration. In this case, 2.2 times the rate will be charged in accordance with the Bremen Private Midwifery Fee Schedule.
(2) The same applies if the upper limit of reimbursable services is exceeded by utilising several midwives. If the service recipient informs us of this before the contract is concluded, she will receive a private invoice in the amount of the reimbursement entitlement for women with statutory health insurance in accordance with the care contract pursuant to §134a SGBV on the provision of midwife assistance. If this only becomes known later, the emergency midwife is entitled to charge 2.2 times the rate.
Costs for the online courses:
Our courses correspond to the current state of midwifery and do not differ in content (insofar as they are provided for there) from the requirements of the care contract of the statutory health insurance funds. The courses cannot be billed directly by the emergency midwife to the health insurance company. For this reason, the emergency midwife issues an invoice at the time of purchase, which the insured person can submit to their health insurance company. Many health insurance companies cover these costs in full or in part. Reimbursement is made directly to the insured person.
The creation of the online courses is time-consuming and was done by the emergency midwife with a lot of love and care. The latest scientific guidelines have been taken into account. The courses are regularly reviewed. Changes in the medical guidelines should be taken into account. It is therefore possible that individual modules may be replaced. This is always noted so that the pregnant woman/mum knows whether she should repeat individual modules.
Course time:
The courses are available to the buyer for different lengths of time. We differentiate between courses that are relevant during pregnancy (e.g. antenatal course) and courses for the infant period (e.g. postnatal course). Courses that are suitable for pregnancy are available until the birth. All courses indicate how long access is available. Access to the respective private Facebook group has no time limit.
Use of the online course:
The purchase of the course enables personal access and authorises personal use. Passing on, copying or duplication is not permitted. In the event of an offence, the purchaser undertakes to compensate for any damage incurred. The purchaser is liable for the security of her access to the online course.
Costs for the courses in online presence format:
Our courses correspond to the current state of midwifery and do not differ in content (insofar as they are provided for there) from the requirements of the care contract of the statutory health insurance funds.
Antenatal classes and postnatal classes are included in the catalogue of services and can be billed directly in accordance with the regulations of the statutory health insurance companies. Because the statutory health insurance companies only pay once the insured person has fulfilled all the requirements, the midwife requires a deposit from women with statutory health insurance in Germany. Partners, as well as women from other countries, are considered self-paying and, like privately insured women, receive a midwife's invoice in accordance with the Bremen Midwifery Private Fee Schedule.
Other courses in online presence format:
Statutory health insurance only covers antenatal and postnatal classes. All other courses are not regularly reimbursed by them and therefore cannot be billed directly by the midwife to the health insurance company.
The prices stated in each case apply.
Course time:
The online presence courses have fixed dates and a limited number of participants. If the midwife has to cancel individual dates at short notice, these will be rescheduled promptly.
Course hours missed by participants cannot be made up.
Online presence courses are not recorded. This provides the group with a protected framework for content-related and personal exchange. Screen recordings, video recordings etc. are not permitted in any form.